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Will Massachusetts Charge Me With OUI For High Blood Glucose (Diabetes)?

Diabetes may be common, affecting 10% of the U.S. population or more, but it’s still serious and should be treated as such. With this condition, a person makes too little or too much insulin at the wrong times, causing blood glucose (Diabetes) levels to become irregular and even dangerous. When insulin isn’t regulated properly, circulation decreases and organs become impaired. Death can also occur when sugar levels are too high or too low.

On top of that, when blood glucose is unregulated, diabetics can even appear drunk or drugged when driving if their vehicle is pulled over. Here’s what to know and how to get the legal help you need.

Police May Mistake Hypoglycemia For Impairment

Low blood sugar – called hypoglycemia – can mimic the symptoms of impairment by causing a person to sway back and forth or appear confused, lethargic, or otherwise drunk or drugged. If given a breath test during this time, they could maybe pass it, but the same would not apply to roadside sobriety tests.

Breath Testing With Diabetes Can Result In a False BAC

High sugar levels (Diabetes) will also raise the risk of a DWI arrest. This produces alcohol in your mouth that can register on a breath test, which gives a police officer the power to arrest you. Law enforcement may also note other symptoms of high sugar as indicators of intoxication, like the need to urinate often, extreme thirst, sweetly scented breath, and redness in the cheeks or neck.

Reduce the chances of being stopped for driving under the influence as a diabetic with these simple tips:

  • Only operate your vehicle if you know your glucose is within safe limits.
  • Carry supplies like emergency glucose, insulin, syringes, etc. to use if needed.
  • If you start feeling unwell, stop driving and park your car in a safe location to do so.
  • Monitor your blood sugar in the car if needed so you can take glucose or insulin to regulate your glucose levels.
  • Tell a police officer that pulls you over for any reason that you have a medical condition.

Why Legal Advocacy Is Critical After an OUI

Don’t take long to hire a Cape Cod criminal defense attorney after you’ve been busted for OUI – waiting could affect your case outcome. Call Thomas Kokonowski now for your consultation by dialing 774-561-2689.

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