What do I do when Facing Assault & Battery charges on Cape Cod?
Are you presently facing Assault & Battery charges on Cape Cod? Are you confused about what to do?
Assault & battery are criminal offenses under the laws of Massachusetts. Anybody charged with either of them or both, and found guilty, is liable to the fines of $5000 and five-year imprisonment as punishment. The conviction will be permanently written in their criminal record. And such a person will find it challenging to procure jobs, loans, or housing. It is the reason why anyone charged with the offense should quickly take the necessary steps to avoid punishment.
Steps to Take When Facing Assault & Battery Charges.
Know the defense options that are available to you
It is advisable you first know the defense options that are available to you. It will enable you to have an idea of how you will table your case before your lawyer. There are many options available depending on the circumstances of the case. You can claim that you never did it in a situation where you are wrongly accused, plead that it was accidental, or claim that you committed the assault or battery to defend your loved ones.
In a situation where you are wrongly accused, you will have a strong case. Your lawyer will be able to convince the court successfully. However, where the problem is otherwise, you still have chances depending on the lawyer you hire.
Do not take a guilty plea if you are wrongly accused.
After charging you, you will be arraigned in the court that has the jurisdiction for entertaining your case, at the beginning. At this stage, you will be asked to enter a plea. This plea will be significant to your lawsuit. Never take a guilty plea when you are wrongly accused. Anyone that takes a guilty plea can withdraw it by following due process. But it is better not to take it at all.
Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer When Facing Assault & Battery Charges
The last step, which is the most important, is hiring a qualified and competent criminal defense lawyer who will advocate for you in the court of law. A criminal defense lawyer knows of the criminal law and can successfully convince the court to discharge the claim of assault & battery against you.