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How Do I Get Help After a Criminal Accomplice Charge?

Cape Cod Criminal Accomplice Charges

Many people assume they can’t be held criminally liable if they didn’t knowingly commit an illegal offense. However, proving your innocence if you have been charged with conspiring to commit a crime can be quite difficult. You’ll require convincing testimony that you were not involved in the situation. If you’ve been arrested for helping someone commit a crime, here’s how to get legal help.

Understand What the Law Says About Criminal Complicity In Cape Cod, MA

The perpetrator of a criminal violation is known as the “principal” of the unlawful act, while anyone who assisted them in its commission is referred to as an “accomplice.” It’s not common knowledge that even though an accomplice or conspirator did not technically commit the offense, they could face the same or similar legal consequences as the principal. This is especially true if the conduct caused someone else to be injured or killed.

Make a List of the Evidence Against You 

Prosecuting attorneys must be able to illustrate how and to what degree you were involved in a crime to successfully have you convicted of criminal conspiracy. This is known as the “burden of proof.” In court, they must prove the following elements: 

  • The activity you engaged in was, in fact, a crime  
  • The circumstances did not allow for your identity to potentially be misjudged 
  • You knew or had a reasonable expectation to know that your behavior was against the law

Evading Criminal Culpability In Cape Cod, MA

It may be possible to evade criminal culpability by presenting your own documentation that calls into question the prosecution’s evidence. If you have an alibi, you could show that you weren’t with the perpetrator of the crime and were instead somewhere else. 

Alternatively, it may be a viable defense to demonstrate that you were unaware that a crime was taking place and had no reasonable cause to believe one was. Say you just stopped by a convenience store with a friend but stayed in the car; they left quickly but you may have had no other indication that your friend committed a crime inside the store, such as theft or robbery. 

Cape Cod Criminal Defense Attorney Thomas Kokonowki is an experienced defense attorney who understands how frightening and life-changing it can be to be accused of acting as a criminal accomplice or conspiring with someone to commit a crime. Call Thomas today for a consultation at 774-561-2689. 

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